In January of 2001, 9 months before the 9-11 attacks, a well known economist and political figure with worldwide intelligence connections issued the following prediction:

"A new Middle East war of the general type and implications indicated, will occur if certain specified incidents materialize. It will occur only if the combination of the Israeli government and certain Anglo-American circles wish to have it occur. If they should wish it to occur, the incidents to "explain" that occurrence, will be arranged."

"Contrary to widespread childish opinion, most of the important things that happen in the world, happen because powerful forces intend them to happen, not because of some so-called "sociological" or other statistical coincidence of the types reported for the popular edification of the easily deluded. A new Middle East war, bigger than any yet seen, is inevitable under presently reigning global influences.
(1) (emphasis added)

The man who made that prediction is the perpetual presidential “wannabe” Lyndon Larouche. Now Larouche may be a cult like figure with some really weird interpretations of history, but his intelligence contacts are legitimate and many of his political and economic forecasts have been accurate in the past. Considering all the history and recent events reviewed in this paper, and the logical conclusions which they lead us to, the above prediction was "right on the money."

An even more chilling prophecy was issued in 1984 by jewish author and anti-Zionist Jack Bernstein. Bernstein warned:

“The Zionists who rule Israel and the Zionists in America have been trying to trick the U.S. into a Mideast war on the side of Israel. They almost succeeded when U.S. Marines were sent to Lebanon in 1982. The blood of the 250 American Marines who died in Lebanon is dripping from the hands of the Israeli and American Zionists.

If more Americans are not made aware of the truth about Zionist Israel, you can be sure that, sooner or later, those atheists who claim to be God's Chosen People will trick the U.S. into a Mideast war against the Arabs who in the past have always been America's best friends. Then more AmerIcan boys will die because of these clever murderous Zionists, who, incidentally, have been responsible for pushing America into World War I, World War II, as well as the Korean War and Vietnam Wars. While Zionist international bankers and other Zionist Jews were busy counting their profits for those wars, American mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters were mourning the loss of their sons and brothers. Will YOU someday be mourning the loss of your son or brother -- because of Zionist treachery? (emphasis added) (2)

That part of Bernstein’s warning has already come to pass. What’s amazing is that Bernstein wrote that way back in 1984! But the other part of Bernstein’s warning is far more chilling. Bernstein adds:

“At some point during the war, when the U.S. military is deeply involved and the U.S. citizens are demoralized, the Zionist-oriented Jewish international bankers will make their move. Evidence leads to the conclusion that it is these bankers who own the Class A Stock of the U.S. Federal Reserve, America's central bank. In this position of power these Zionist bankers can, and likely will, trigger an economic collapse in America -- like they did in 1929 when they caused the stock market crash and started the severe depression of the 1930's.”

“Since the money system currently used in the U.S. is NOT backed by gold, silver, or anything of value, the paper dollars and tin coins now in use will be worthless. In the resulting state of confusion and in an effort to obtain food and other necessities, the American people will accept the "New States Constitution" which has already been written. This will place the American people under the dictates of one-world government run by the Zionist-oriented international bankers and Zionist/Bolshevik Jews.

Exactly what direction the war in the Mideast will take only the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv triangle and God can know. When it is all over, the main LOSERS will be: The American people. The Arab people. Those Jews who stand for justice and freedom. The only WINNERS will be: The Zionist international bankers and the Zionist/Bolshevik Jews.” (3)

One has to wonder if the unusual barrage of highly publicized war movies  to come out of Zionist Hollywood over the past few years was part of a propaganda effort to psychologically prepare for us for  War. There was Saving Private Ryan, Enemy at the Gates, Behind Enemy Lines, Hart's War, We Were Soldiers, Black Hawk Down, U-571, Band of Brothers, endless TV re-runs of The Longest Day, and of course, the summer blockbuster of 2001....PEARL HARBOR.

The Zionists (and also other Anglo-American Internationalists) do not conceal their desire for World War III and an eventual New World Order (World Government), with American boys doing the dying. These are the forces that pulled off 9-11, turned us into Arab hating fanatics, put an American flag in our hands, and are marching us off to fight for Zionism. Just read what Ra'anan Gissin - a senior adviser to and spokesman for Ariel "the Butcher" Sharon - said in an interview with the Arizona Daily Star in April of 2002:

“The terror attacks on Sept. 11 and extreme turmoil in the Middle East point to one thing - World War III. We've been fighting a war for the past 18 months, which is the harbinger of World War III. The world is going to fight, whether they like it or not. I'm sure.'' (4)

Here's another warmongering, inflammatory quote from Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, urging the US to attack Iraq:

“Attacking Iraq now would be "quite dangerous, but postponing it would be more dangerous." The problem today is not if but when." (5)

And here's another quote from an editorial that former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamim Netanyahu wrote for the New York Post headlined “Today We are All Americans“:

"What is at stake today is nothing less than the survival of civilization.... I have absolute confidence that if we, the citizens of the free world, led by President Bush, will marshal the enormous reserves of power at our disposal, harness the steely resolve of a free people and mobilize our collective will to eradicate this evil from the face of the earth....The international terrorist network is thus based on regimes - Iran, Iraq, Syria, Taleban Afghanistan, Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Authority and several other Arab regimes such as the Sudan. For the bin Ladens of the world, Israel is merely a sideshow. America is the target" (6)

Note the ominous similarity between Netanyahu's lies and the first words that Sivan Kurzberg - one of the dancing Israeli "movers" - spoke to arresting police officer on 9-11:

"We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem." (7)

Recall Netanyahu's 9-11 comment about the attacks being "very good" for Israeli-US relations. The title of the New York Times article which carried that comment was: "Spilled Blood is Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer." (8)

Ariel Sharon used the same “linking tactic” in a speech before the notoriously defamatory, Zionist Anti-Defamation League:

"There is a moral equivalency and direct connection between America's continuous operations against al Qaeda in Afghanistan and any other Israel Defense Forces operation to defeat terrorism," Sharon said in a speech Monday to the Anti-Defamation League. They are acts of self-defense against the same forces of evil and darkness bent on destroying civilized society." (9)

Notice how Sharon, Netanyahu, the Israeli "movers", and the totally Zionist dominated New York Times and New York Post all used the same strategic tactic of linking the interests of the US with the interests of Israel. The same ploy was utilized in the anthrax letters: "Death to America! Death to Israel!". Do see how these evil Zionist bastards play the game? They turn their enemies into our enemies while pretending to be our "allies". They laugh and celebrate as 1000's of innocent Americans are burned and crushed to death. And when someone dares to shine the light of truth upon them, they label you an "anti-Semite"! Can you not see by now that these murderous swindlers have played us all for fools?

Behold this bit of bold hypocrisy by American Jewish Congress President Jack Rosen:

"I don't think Palestinians celebrating the death of thousands of Americans should go unchallenged.” (10)

Is that so Jack? What about the Israelis who celebrated the death of thousands of Americans. Why haven't you challenged that?

Now read this quote from the Prince of Darkness himself - Pentagon big shot and Zionist fanatic Richard Perle:

"Neither the president nor the British Prime Minister will be deflected by Saddam's diplomatic charm offensive, the feckless moralizing of 'peace' lobbies or the unsolicited advice of retired generals." (11)

Perle not only lays down the policy line for Bush, but apparently for British Prime Minister Tony Blair as well. And note how casually he dismissed the sound advice of those retired generals who warned that a war against Iraq was unnecessary. But what does Perle care! His kids won't be dying. As always, it will only be the children of the flag waving masses, which Perle and his Zionist brothers and sisters see as nothing more than cannon fodder for Zionism, who will do the fighting and killing. What threat did Iraq ever pose to the US? None! Iraq, and other Arab nations, are to be crushed so that Israel can expand in the Middle East while the Muslims are conquered for the New World Order.

It appears that George Bush goes along with the wishes of these Zionist gangsters for his own political protection and/or advancement, but it is unclear as to what extant he is truly in agreement with them. Bush and Cheney may even be under a some form of blackmail. If not overt blackmail, just the unremitting pressure from the Christian Zionists with the GOP, the Zionist fanatics at the Pentagon, the Zionist faction in Congress, the ADL, AIPAC, the media etc. is something that not even a US President can resist. Can you imagine what it must be like to have such pit-bulls as Foxman, Perle, Falwell, Lieberman, Robertson, and Sharon all breathing down your neck at the same time?

But Bush and Cheney also represent oil interests and the Caspian Sea area is rich in oil and minerals. Plans have been in the works for years to build pipelines to take the oil from the Caspian, through Afghanistan and Pakistan, and then out to sea. But the “oil angle” is but a secondary contributing factor behind the “War on Terrorism”, perhaps one much nearer to the hearts of Bush/Cheney than is the cause of Zionism.

It is clear from just the well publicized information that the president had at least some type of knowledge that a major attack was coming. Do you remember Bush’s strange behavior when he was first told of the attacks? He was reading to a group of Florida school children when his Chief of Staff Andy Card whispered the news of the second tower being hit in New York. Instead of just calmly excusing himself and apologizing to the kids for having to leave suddenly, Bush qickly shifted his eyes at the camera, turned somber, and then returned to reading for another 15 minutes! (12) Our major cities were under attack, 1000’s of his countrymen were burning or jumping to their deaths on live TV, and more planes were still unaccounted for. Yet Bush just sat there with a stupid look on his face and then went back to reading a story about a goat. Is this the reaction of a man who was truly surprised by these horrible attacks? Or is this more indicative of the reaction of a guilty person who, like FDR just before Pearl Harbor, was expecting an attack and therefore was not surprised? (13)

There is one more interesting coincidence worth mentioning. During the whole time that these terror attacks were expected, Bush was out of Washington DC on what the media had dubbed “the longest vacation in presidential history.” Time Magazine of August 5, 2002 explains:

Getting ready for vacation can be so hectic. It certainly was for George W. Bush last week. While Laura Bush left the White House early to get the ranch in Crawford, Texas, ready for a month-long holiday (one of the longest in presidential history), the President rushed through last-minute errands.” (14)

Bush was in Texas for the entire month of August, returned to the White House briefly, then left again and ended up in a Florida classroom on September 11. (What a tough job eh?) Is this of any significance? Well, I don’t know about you, but if I had the kind of intelligence network and advance warning that we know certain people had- and surely a sitting US president would also have had- I would not have been in Washington DC on 9-11 either!

There are many politicians and journalists in America who "carry the Zionist’s water" for them only because they are careerists who understand very well from whence their bread is buttered. Bush has given the Zionists what they want in Iraq, but my suspicion is that if Bush doesn't deliver a total war against oyher Arab states, Senator Joe Lieberman may be installed as president in 2004, with his close pal John McCain running as an independent to draw votes away from Bush. Will Bush, like Wilson in WW I, and FDR in WW II, go all the way and deliver WW III to the Zionist Mafia?   It does appear that way. But if Bush should hesitate (like his father did in 1991) to "go all the way", the Zionist Mafia will likely replace him with Joe Lieberman in 2004.

Lieberman had pledged that he would defer to his 2000 ex-running mate Al Gore and not run for president if Gore had intended to. It is well known that Al Gore, who barely lost to Bush in 2000, has coveted the presidency since childhood. His father, Senator Al Gore Sr., and the late Zionist billionaire Armand Hammer (the Gore family's chief sponsor), groomed Gore for the presidency ever since he was a little boy. Gore went into a state of near depression after losing to Bush in 2000, gaining 50 pounds and growing a thick beard! Nonetheless, the Lieberman pledge all but guaranteed that the White House-coveting Gore would not run in 2004. Higher powers  surely told Gore, who would easily have won the Democratic nomination, to stand down so that Lieberman can run. It must have broken Prince Albert's heart to have announced his decision to not run, but orders are orders.

Were the Lieberman-Mccain scenario to play out, the Zionist media would hype up both the Lieberman and McCain campaigns while tearing down Bush, who will have outlived his usefulness by then. Who needs a puppet when you can have the real thing? The amount of jewish donations that would flow into Lieberman's campaign coffers would be staggering. To induce voters into sympathizing with Lieberman, expect the media to highlight the violent opposition to a jewish candidate from the Ku Klux Klan or some odious "skin-head" group. To insulate Lieberman from charges of first loyalty to Israel, expect some well publicized token attacks to be launched against him from  pro-Israeli groups who will claim he is "too pro-Arab"! To insulate him from charges that he is a liberal, expect someone like an Al Sharpton or some Hollywood figures to attack him as "too conservative."   In the public mind, this will all serve as "proof" that Lieberman is a "centrist" and an "American first" when, in reality, he is an extreme tax & spend liberal and a hard core Israel Firster. The Zionists are nothing if not fiendishly clever.

It is truly saddening to think of how many innocent Iraqis (and Syrians?, and Saudis? and Iranians? and Pakistanis?) will be killed and oppressed by the Zionist Pentagon military machine, with the complicity of the Zionist media. It is the media that played the key role in demonizing Iraq in the eyes of the public. The government/media complex  fabricated all the lies used to justify the decade-long sanctions that have led to deaths of as many as 1 million Iraqis as well as the continuous bombing of Iraq. Most Americans have no idea of the true level of atrocities that have been inflicted upon the population of Iraq in our name. Instead, they are spoon-fed garbage such as George W. Bush's ridiculous response to a reporter who asked him why he thought America was hated by some Arabs. Bush replied:

"Like most Americans, I just cannot believe it (that some Arabs hate us) because I know how good we are."(15)

Not a single major media commentator challenged Bush's laughable absurdity!

In the buildup to the 1991 Gulf War, the Zionist media fanned the flames of the anti-Iraq hysteria campaign by erroneously reporting that soldiers had pulled babies out of their incubators and slammed them on hospital floors during Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990- a charge that was later proven false. Once the war began, the media  concealed the actual number of Iraqis killed and the destruction of Iraq's infrastructure.

It is interesting to note that Jake Garner, the US General who was named to govern post war Iraq, is openly associated with JINSA (Jewish Institute National Security Affairs) 16  Garner's office falls under the jurisdiction of arch Zionist Paul Wolfowitz, who in essesnce became the de-facto ruler of post war Iraq. 17 Oh how good 9-11 turned out to be for these "neo-conservatives!)

If "neo-conservative" guru Norman Podhoretz has his way, current US militarism in the region will escalate into something far beyond just the Zionist subjugation of Iraq. Writing in Commentary magazine, this highly influential Zionist and arrogant megalomaniac makes no attempt to conceal his desire for a World War:

"Nevertheless, there is a policy that could head it off, provided that the United States has the will to fight World War IV--the war against militant Islam--to a successful conclusion, and provided, too, that we then have the stomach to impose a new political culture on the defeated parties. This is what we did directly and unapologetically in Germany and Japan after winning World War II."  (18)   (World War III was the Cold War)

In other words, what Podhoretz is saying is this: America is just going to have to accept the fact that thousands of American boys and millions of Muslims may have to die so that we Zionists can install puppet regimes throughout the Middle East. That's exactly what the Zionists want...and it's coming! The 9-11 attacks were the Zionists' kick-off to a major war which may in time be expanded (by design) into a truly global conflict, eventually involving nuclear powers such as India, Pakistan, North Korea, China and others. The New World Order will be built upon mountains of dead bodies and rivers of fresh blood.

In 2002, Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, former German Defense Ministry official and advisor to former NATO Secretary General Manfred Werner, issued a dire warning about the globalist movement (in which the Zionists play a key role) and what may soon come to pass as a result of their planned global chaos. Koeppl said in an interview:

"The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR, The Trilateral Commission  and the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years.

"This is more than a war against terrorism. This is a war against the citizens of all countries. The current elites are creating so much fear that people don't know how to respond. But they must remember. This is a move to implement a world dictatorship within the next five years. There may not be another chance."(19)

Iraq  knew all along who was behind the "Shock and Awe" attack on their nation. In fact Harlan Ullman, the author of the "Shock and Awe" bombing strategy that was brutally unleashed upon the terrorized citizens of Iraq, is, you guessed it, a Zionist. His "Shock and Awe" catchphrase bore an eerie similarity to the Hebrew word: "Shekinah", a popular Hebrew expression which means "the divine presence of God".

In a 2002 interview with CBS’s Dan Rather, Iraqi Minister Tariq Aziz directly accused the Zionists:

“This war which the Bush government is a planning does not serve the basic interest in the long run of the American nation. It serves the imperialistic interest of Israel and the Zionist groups who have now a great say in the American policy.” (21)

Interestingly enough, many prominent jewish writers agreed with Aziz! For example, in February 2003, Time magazine's Joe Klein wrote:

"A stronger Israel is very much embedded in the rationale for war with Iraq. It is a part of the argument that dare not speak its name, a fantasy quietly cherished by the neo-conservative faction in the Bush Administration and by many leaders of the American Jewish community.

The fantasy involves a domino theory. The destruction of Saddam's Iraq will not only remove an enemy of long-standing but will also change the basic power equation in the region. It will send a message to Syria and Iran about the perils of support for Islamic terrorists. It will send a message to the Palestinians too: Democratize and make peace on Israeli terms, or forget about a state of your own." (emphasis added)  (22)     

Writing for Ha'aretz of Israel, jewish journalist Ari Shavit wrote:

"The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history.

In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town (Washington): the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals (a partial list: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Eliot Abrams, Charles Krauthammer), people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history."  (emphasis added)  23

And the New York Times jewish columnist Thomas Friedman stated:

I could give you the names of 25 people (all of whom are at this moment within a five-block radius of this office) who, if you had exiled them to a desert island a year and a half ago, the Iraq war would not have happened.

It is not only the neo-conservatives who led us to the outskirts of Baghdad. What led us to the outskirts of Baghdad is a very American combination of anxiety and hubris."

After the fall of Baghdad, Syria and Iran became the next immediate targets of US threats. Israel's Ha'aretz news service revealed that the Israeli government announced plans for an oil pipeline run from northern Iraq, through enemy Syria, and into Israel after the war was settled. 25 The fact that Syria would never allow such a pipeline to run through their territory was apparently of little consequence to the Israelis. No sooner had Israel expressed this wish for a pipeline that the Bush-Cheney-Perle-Wolfowitz-Rumsfeld crime syndicate turn its attention to Syria. No nation is safe from this criminal mob.

During the same week in which the pipeline story appeared, AIPAC held a huge convention attended by about 5,000 people. Included in attendance of the powerful Israel Lobby's affair were 1/3 of all US Congressmen and 1/2 of all US Senators! 26 We sometimes don't see that high of an attendance ratio when Congress is in session!  According to the Washington Post, pro-war speakers who issued threats towards Syria and Iran were cheered! In an article entitled: For Israel Lobby Group, War is Topic A, Quietly, and subtitled: At Meeting, Jerusalem's Contributions Are Highlighted . The Post also revealed that AIPAC was trying to keep a low profile so that it would not be thought that it was influencing the US war policies! (Now who would think something like that!) Here's an excerpt from the Post:

"The AIPAC meeting -- attended by about 5,000 people, including half the Senate and a third of the House --

"A parade of top Bush administration officials -- Powell, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice, political director Kenneth Mehlman, Undersecretary of State John R. Bolton and Assistant Secretary of State William Burns -- appeared before the AIPAC audience. The officials won sustained cheers for their jabs at European opponents of war in Iraq, and their tough remarks aimed at two perennial foes of Israel, Syria and Iran."

The Bush administration was somewhat ambivalent about tying itself to AIPAC and Israel. Though it sent several officials to the meeting with strong pro-Israel messages, there were efforts to keep things low-key. 27  (emphasis added)

What other lobbying group in America can boast of having such clout?

Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Muslim nuclear power Pakistan are on the Zionist hit list too. An anti-Saudi propaganda book entitled "Hatred's Kingdom. How Saudi Arabia Supports the New Global Terrorism" is being plugged incessantly by neo-conservatives and talk show stations. The author, former Israeli ambassador Dore Gold, not only spoon feeds his gullible readers the persistent lie that "15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis" (I swear if I hear that cliche again I'm going to pull my hair out!), but also falsely accuse the Saudi monarchy of sponsoring anti-US terror.  Meanwhile, Israel's close ally India keeps tensions with Muslim Pakistan at dangerously high levels.

The Arabs and Muslims know all too well that the Zionist Mafia dominates America. Many anti-Zionist jews know it too.  And yet, the majority of flag waving Americans are totally oblivious to this sad situation. But who will tell the American people when powerful Zionist moguls like Sumner Redstone (Viacom-CBS-MTV), Michael Eisner (ABC), Andy Lack (NBC), Norm Perlstine (Time), Art Sulzberger (NY Times), Peter Kann (Wall Street Journal), Mort Zuckerman (US News & World, NY Daily News), Donald Graham (Washington Post), Walt Isaacson (CNN), The Newhouse family (Parade magazine & scores of newspapers and cable stations nationwide), Spielberg/Bronfman etc (Hollywood), and so many other big names dominate the mass media too?








(The affection for each other is obvious. I've never seen either of these old prune faces smile so warmly!)


Chapter 23

Table Of Contents
